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Author: AUFTAU

45 Days into the War — An Update from the TAU President

The challenges awaiting us in the near and more distant future.

Nov. 20, 2023

Dear staff and faculty members, students, alumni and friends of TAU,

Time passes, yet our grief over the calamity of October 7 refuses to fade. Every day we learn more about the atrocities committed by the Hamas murderers and about the bravery of women and men who risked their lives to save others. The events of that cursed Shabbat remain excruciatingly real. To these we add the pain over the loss of our finest sons and daughters in the ongoing war, intermingled with the tormenting worry about those who have been kidnapped.  Sometimes it seems that our hearts simply cannot contain so much sorrow and pain.

But as the war goes on, we have no choice but to adapt our daily lives to a “wartime routine,” and, perhaps even more important, to prepare for the future. This is our reality here in Israel and Tel Aviv University is no exception. About a week ago a report on volunteering on campus was sent out to the TAU community. For details please see the TAU website. If you have not volunteered so far, please consider options here. We recently adopted a school from Kiryat Shmona in the north, with hundreds of students, and they are now studying on our campus. We are also assisting Sapir College which, since it is located near the border with Gaza, suffered enormous losses in the massacre. We adopted preschools, invited evacuees to reside in our dormitories, and much more.

In this letter I would like to list some of the challenges awaiting us in the near and more distant future. Most are shared by all academic institutions in Israel, and some are broad national challenges in which academia has a stake.

Reservists. We have a profound obligation to support thousands of TAU students now serving in the IDF reserves. We have raised donations to help them now, in this difficult hour, and also when they return and resume their studies. For details please click here. The university, under the leadership of the Rector and Deans, is also getting ready to provide them with any needed academic assistance once the academic year begins. We call upon our faculty members to contribute to this effort by volunteering to teach beyond their regular hours. The Rector and I, together with many other faculty members, have already announced that we will do so.

Relations between Jews and Arabs. A major concern as we prepare for resuming studies is the tension between Jews and Arabs on campus. Needless to say, Arab Israelis had nothing to do with the horrors of October 7 – no more than any other Israeli citizen. But despite this obvious truth, a number of opportunists are using the situation to spread venom and hatred against Arabs. Speaking with faculty members and students from both sectors, I found that some of the Jews fear Arabs, while some of the Arabs fear Jews. Some Arabs told me that they avoid using public transportation and speaking Arabic in public, for fear of being harassed or even attacked. Such a destabilization of the already delicate relations between Jews and Arabs is not only an injustice to all citizens of Israel, but a real strategic threat to our future. The Israeli government must assume responsibility for this problem and rebuild trust among all citizens.

As we prepare to resume studies on campus, we must make the necessary plans to ensure the personal safety of all members of the TAU community – Jews and Arabs, on campus and in the dormitories. TAU’s VP for Equity, Diversity and Community, the Dean of Students, and unit heads are working together to preempt any tensions that might erupt on campus. We will spare no effort to make sure that each and every member of our community feels safe at TAU. This is our common home, shared by all. The management and all members of the TAU community have a responsibility to keep it safe and peaceful.

This last matter also has to do with freedom of expression. Democracy is not suspended in wartime. If anything, its importance increases. Therefore, freedom of expression will continue to be upheld so long as it does not involve any imminent danger of violence or incitement. But beyond this basic rule, we need to maintain an unaggressive atmosphere on campus and to keep peace in our home; let us all refrain from saying or doing anything – even if supposedly permissible – that might exacerbate tensions.  At this time especially, let us be sensitive toward one another.

The independence of academic institutions. The independence of academia is the lifeblood of democracy.  But even now, as the war rages, we see attempts to undermine this independence, to supposedly “restore order” to the academic institutions. We, the Heads of Israeli Universities, are on our guard in this respect as well.

Budget. War is a costly affair and will probably lead to substantial cuts in the budgets of the government’s ministries. Funding for higher education might be reduced. In addition, we do not yet know how the war will affect donations to scholarships and research when many donors may prefer to support Israel’s most urgent, frontline needs. I call on both the government and our TAU supporters to understand that Israel’s universities are not a peacetime luxury but a key and central component of the country’s most critical foundations: the economy, technology, medical capabilities, security, education, and culture.

Threats to democracy. As we all remember, this war was preceded by a deep crisis in Israeli society. Right now, at least at first sight, the crisis seems to be over, and unity is the order of the day. We all hope that this unity is here to stay, but there is no guarantee. In fact, some occurrences are greatly disturbing in this respect. First, we have recently seen attempts to limit the public’s freedom of speech and right to protest. Second, violent acts perpetrated by Jewish extremists against Palestinians in Judea and Samaria are not treated with suitable firmness. Third, we see extensive efforts to hand out firearms to large segments of the population, under the pretext that this is a lesson learned from the events of October 7. It is doubtful whether the enormous risks of widespread possession of firearms by civilians (such as shooting accidents due to unprofessional handling, and criminals gaining access to guns) have been seriously considered. One especially troubling concern is that, after the war, these firearms might make legitimate political disputes or demonstrations especially volatile and dangerous.

It is our duty to alert the public to these threats, even if its attention is now naturally focused on other matters.

These are just some of the challenges that Israeli academia will face in the coming months and years. We will all do everything in our power to overcome them.

Let us all hope for better days, for the swift return of the children, women and men kidnapped by Hamas, for the healing of the wounded in body and spirit, and for the success and safety of our soldiers.


Ariel Porat

Offering Support to Survivors of October 7th

TAU Social Work student Ella Roim works with survivors, says all Israel is helping recovery.

As Israel struggles through a war set off by one of the worst events in its history, families from victimized communities have been evacuated from their homes and are just beginning to process what they experienced. Many are staying in venues in Tel Aviv (including in the Tel Aviv University dorms), where psychologists and social workers have been brought in to help redress their needs. One such counselor is Ella Roim, a second-year master’s student at TAU’s Bob Shapell School of Social Work. She also works with at-risk girls while training as a clinical social worker for youth. When the war broke out, Roim was assigned to a Tel Aviv hotel to work with evacuated families from Sderot, a small city near the Gaza border which was already the target of constant rocket attacks for many years before terrorists infiltrated on October 7th. Calming the Chaos “The first step has been making sure the evacuees’ most basic needs are met. Food, clothing, baby formula, toiletries. Here and there, I get the chance to talk with them and hear what they’re feeling,” Roim says. She and her fellow workers’ main task thus far has been gathering donations and recruiting volunteers.   Roim says that for the first few days, things were chaotic. Sderot is a community with many children, and parents are so emotionally and physically exhausted that helping the children stay calm is extremely difficult. On top of that, both children and parents are in a state of panic as they grapple with the recent trauma and with the uncertainty of when they will be able to return home—and whether their homes are even there anymore. “Right now, they feel like refugees.” During her talks with the survivors, Roim hears repeated expressions of fear and disillusionment. “We Israelis always felt that we were being kept safe, and that we could live our lives because we trusted the army. These people waited hours in fear for the IDF to show up…for them, that trust has been broken.” Some of the victims have trouble eating and sleeping, Roim says, and some continue to have flashbacks. Survivors at Roim’s Tel Aviv hotel release many balloons as a gesture of solidarity with the over 200 hostages still held in Gaza. Community Support  Even as things seem grim, Roim emphasizes that the Israeli people have truly come together to ensure these families can get the care they need. “Every single call I’ve put out for donations has been answered in a matter of hours. Tons of volunteers have come to help clean up the hotel, to play with the kids, to offer various treatments and services, and more.” She says that among the volunteers are professional psychologists, counselors, and even beauticians who offer things like free makeup and haircuts. “I feel like the goal of the country right now is to help survivors feel that they’re not alone and that we have their backs.” She says that though the work is very challenging and emotionally draining, she loves the people she works with and she finds strength in Israel’s communal response. Roim partially credits her studies at TAU with helping her feel prepared for her fieldwork. “The professors are also working professionals; I feel like I’m learning from people who have real experience in the field.”

‘We Need Some Light to Get Us out of the Dark We Have Been in Since October 7.’

International students hear from hostages’ families.

On November 9 and 12, TAU international students visited the Tel Aviv Museum plaza to meet with relatives of hostages held in Gaza. The visits were organized by the Lowy International Student Life team at the request of the students who have been actively participating in various volunteer initiatives since the outbreak of the war in Israel. Over 230 people of all ages and many nationalities are still held in Gaza after being captured in the October 7 surprise attack by terrorists. Families and friends of many of them gather every day at the plaza to raise global awareness of the ongoing human tragedy and to demand the immediate release of hostages. The Tel Aviv Museum plaza has effectively become the headquarters of the hostages’ families and is now dubbed the Hostage Square. Some of the people at the plaza shared their harrowing stories with the students who came to show their solidarity and support for the kidnapped and their loved ones. Itay Svirsky, originally from kibbutz Beeri, was visiting his parents at the kibbutz over the Sukkot holidays, as is customary in Israel. On Saturday morning, Itay was with his mother Orit in their safe room. Orit and her husband, Itay’s father, were murdered. Itay was initially declared missing, but a couple of days later, the family received a notification from the IDF that he had been taken to Gaza.   “We don’t know anything about his physical condition, but in the past two years, Itay has learned many tools that can help him treat himself and others.
I have no doubt that if his physical condition allows him, this is what he is doing now – supporting himself and the people around him and spreading his amazing light wherever he is.
We are praying and waiting for him to come back because we also need some light to get us out of the dark we have been in since October 7,” said Itay’s friend and colleague.     The neighbor of Adina Moshe, a 72-year-old hostage from Nir Oz, related the losses that their kibbutz had suffered, with about 70 people kidnapped and 30 more killed out of the population of 400. “That’s a quarter of our population gone now. We still have no news and we hear nothing about the kidnapped. Terrorists dragged Adina through the window of the safe room after killing her husband. They put her on a motorcycle between themselves and took her to Gaza. We don’t know what her condition is – she is not so healthy, she has a heart problem, and we don’t know if she’s getting any medicine or food, or if she is sleeping ok.
We want her back. Today.”
  It was a moving experience for the students, and some stayed at the plaza until late evening to absorb it all and to join the relatives in their prayers and talks.

Erica Katzin (US/Israel), student in Sustainable Development master’s program, commented:

“Learning the full extent of the situation after the initial attack was just devastating. We went to sleep on October 6 and we woke up to rockets. We live in Israel, we signed up for rockets, but no one signs up for this, for the kidnappings. I can’t believe the reality of it. October 6 feels like ages ago.
I can’t stop thinking about the hostages. I think about them every day.
So many people are not OK. I think about the babies– they need basic things like milk, clean diapers. It’s very hard for me.”    

Voices of TAU: “It is Important to Try to Change Public Opinion and to Talk about the Hostages”

TAU PhD student is advocating for the release of Israeli hostages in Gaza.

The Lowy International Bulletin has talked to Neta Fibeesh, a neurobiology PhD candidate at TAU who is researching Parkinson’s disease under the supervision of Dr. Ben Maoz and Prof. Uri Ashery.

You are involved in a project in the UK helping to raise awareness of the hostages. Can you tell us about it?

I have been one the organisers of a grassroots initiative, which is advocating for the release of the hostages. Our website is The initiative began in America where two artists, Dede Bandaid and Nitzan Mintz, designed posters which could be printed and stuck up to raise awareness of the hostage crisis. Two Israelis in London, Yair Oshman and Eyal Biram, bought this initiative to the UK and since then the project has been exponentially growing. We currently have almost 2,000 volunteers in our WhatsApp group, who not only stick up the  posters in the streets of London but also attend our solidarity rallies. To date we have organised three rallies, including: a human chain where volunteers held posters of the hostages in Trafalgar Square; a similar event outside the Qatar embassy; and, most recently, a huge event in Parliament Square where key speakers attended to call for the release of the hostages. The main goal of these initiatives are: most importantly to demand the release of the hostages, to increase international pressure and assistance with such, and also to gain global recognition that Hamas is a terrorist organisation that has kidnapped innocent children, women and elderly civilians.

Why did you decide to get involved?

I arrived back in London [from Israel] on 10.10.23, three days after the war began, because my parents and brother live in London. When I landed, I was completely devastated. I saw most of my friends and cousins either still in the IDF or recruited to military reserves, and I felt helpless. On my first day in London, we went to visit a close friend of my parents, Michal Cohen-Sagi. Michal is married to Noam Sagi. They are Israelis who live in London and Noam is originally from Kibbutz Nir Oz. His 75-year-old mother, Ada Sagi, a Hebrew and Arabic teacher, has been taken hostage.
The news about the hostages is heartbreaking whether you know someone who has been kidnapped or not.
Whilst I sat with Michal, I was so unbelievably upset that my parents’ dear friends were going through this. I had heard that Eyal and Yair were distributing posters in London that afternoon and, initially, I was unsure whether to go because I was a bit concerned about the antisemitism. But after seeing Michal, I decided I must do something to help, even if it is just to stick up posters and raise awareness.

When you were putting up signs, you were confronted by people trying to tear them down. What went through your mind at that moment?

I think the first thing I felt was shocked and scared. I was stunned by the aggression of the people tearing down the posters. They did not stop and ask a question or even attempt to engage in a meaningful debate about the situation; they were  simply hostile and full of hatred.
The complete lack of empathy and anger was just beyond my understanding …
All we wanted was to raise awareness and advocate for the hostages in a peaceful and non-threatening manner, but – having been in Israel and [having] had friends and family personally affected by the situation – my emotional capacity was  too low to argue with them any further, so we waited until they left and picked up the posters which had been torn down and stuck them up again. I did not expect the video I took to instantly become viral, but for the next few days news reporters across the world were interviewing me. I remember consulting with my parents whether to do the interviews or not because I was worried about the antisemitism, but I decided that this was precisely their aim: to stop us from voicing our opinions and sharing the terrible tragedy the Israeli nation has experienced. [I realized] that it is important to try to change public opinion and use these platforms to talk about the hostages.

Do you have a message you would like to share with the world about the hostages?

I would like to remind the world that this escalation was initiated when Hamas committed crimes against humanity on 07.10.23. To kidnap innocent civilians of all ages – women and men, Israelis and non-Israelis – is a barbaric atrocity.
Try to imagine the anguish that the affected families are experiencing.
Even though all of us in Israel are consumed by this, there are times of the day where we may stop thinking about it for a few minutes. These families cannot stop thinking about it. It is their 24/7. They do not know if their children are being looked after. They do not know if their elderly family members are receiving their medications. They do not know if they will ever see their loved ones again or find out what happened to them. There is no greater disaster and tragedy than this constant unknown. We cannot even begin to comprehend how these families feel, let alone what the hostages are going through.
People in the world who care about human rights, who claim to be progressive liberals, who are loving family members or friends, must not forget this and we must continue to demand that the hostages are released.

Message from the University President Ariel Porat

240 hostages, including babies, children, and elderly civilians are being held by Hamas since October 7, 2023. Many were snatched from their beds or captured in the midst of a pastoral music festival during the barbaric attack by Hamas terrorist, where over 1,300 Israelis were murdered.
These people are still held hostage, in clear violation of international law.
No one knows where they are, or what their condition is. Hamas is preventing the Red Cross from visiting them. These 240 hostages have rights. First and foremost, they have the right to live; and with each day that passes, the threat to their lives increases. Imagine being held captive by a terrorist organization, unable to communicate with your family, constantly fearing for your life. No person can, and no person should: this horror is beyond the limits of human imagination. And yet this is the day-to-day reality of these 240 people.
Think about their families, torn between hope and despair, having no information about their loved ones. We must help them.
Irrespective of one’s opinion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the world cannot remain silent in the face of pure evil. This is not, by any means, ‘legitimate resistance.’ This is a clear crime against humanity, and one that we must condemn and fight.
We ask that you don’t stay silent. Demand their immediate release.
Speak for the hostages, since they are deprived of the right to speak to the world. Be their voice. Now. Ariel Porat Tel Aviv University President

Tel Aviv University calls academics around the world to join us in a univocal call for the immediate release of all hostages

“This is a clear crime against humanity, and one that we must condemn and fight.”

240 hostages, including babies, children, and elderly civilians are being held by Hamas since October 7th, 2023. Many were snatched from their beds or captured in the midst of a pastoral music festival during the barbaric attack by Hamas terrorist, where over 1300 Israelis were murdered. These people are still held hostage, in clear violation of  international law. No one knows where they are, or what their condition is. Hamas is preventing the Red Cross from visiting them.

These 240 hostages have rights. First and foremost, they have the right to live; and with each day that passes, the threat to their lives increases. Imagine being held captive by a terrorist organization, unable to communicate with your family, constantly fearing for your life. No person can, and no person should: this horror is beyond the limits of human imagination. And yet this is the day-to-day reality of these 240 people. Think about their families, torn between hope and despair, having no information about their loved ones.  We must help them.

Irrespective of one’s opinion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the world cannot remain silent in the face of pure evil. This is not, by any means, ‘legitimate resistance’. This is a clear crime against humanity, and one that we must condemn and fight. We ask that you don’t stay silent. Demand their immediate release. Speak for the hostages, since they are deprived of the right to speak to the world. Be their voice. Now.

A Letter from VERA – Association of University Heads, Israel

Expressing deep concern over the discourse emanating from academia following the devastating Hamas attack on Israel on October 7.

November 1, 2023

Dear Colleagues,

We, the leaders of Israeli universities and research institutions, write to express deep concern over the discourse emanating from academia following the devastating Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 and the inadequate response, in many cases, by academic leadership.

On that darkest of days, in a tragedy unprecedented in Israel’s 75-year history, the Hamas terrorists infiltrated into the country and murdered more than 1,400 people, including infants, children, students, and senior citizens —Jewish, Muslim, and Christian alike. The attack also included the abduction of 240 civilians of all ages into Gaza; additional missing persons have not yet been identified and accounted for. In the aftermath of these horrific events, we find it disturbing that certain narratives from academic institutions misrepresent the situation, or, in the worst cases, actively target Israelis and Jews.

We find ourselves facing a war on two fronts: one against the atrocities of Hamas, and another in the global arena of public opinion. Regrettably, we have noticed an alarming trend in which Israel, despite its right to self-defense, is mischaracterized as an oppressor. This is a false equivalence between the actions of a murderous terrorist organization and a sovereign state’s right to defend its citizens, which unfortunately results in the loss of innocent Palestinian lives. Any attempt to justify or equivocate Hamas’s brutal and grotesque actions is intellectually and morally indefensible.

It’s unsettling to note that many college campuses have become breeding grounds for anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments, largely fueled by a naïve and biased understanding of the conflict. It is ironic that the very halls of enlightenment in America and Europe, ostensibly the bastions of intellectual and progressive thought that are your campuses, have adopted Hamas as the cause célèbre while Israel is demonized. Universities, as hubs of enlightenment and rational discourse, must take responsibility for the views they perpetuate.

There is no moral equivalency here. Let’s be clear: Hamas shares no values with any Western academic institution. Hamas is an organization that has repeatedly pledged to annihilate Israel and its people.

Its ideology is antithetical to the values of human life and the liberal values we hold dear. Hamas funnels international aid into armament rather than to the welfare of its citizens. While Israel uses its weapons to shield its citizens, Hamas uses its citizens as shields for its weapons—which it hides in hospitals, schools, and mosques. It is crucial to distinguish between Hamas’ terrorist objectives and the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for statehood. The conflation of the two only serves to fuel hatred and ignorance.

Academic institutions stand as lighthouses in the intellectual landscape, and we ask you to illuminate them. Your roles as leaders of these institutions confer upon you an extraordinary responsibility: to guide the moral and ethical development of your students, to imbue them with the ability to think critically and to discern the nuances that separate right from wrong. Freedom of speech is a cornerstone of academic freedom, but it should not be manipulated to legitimize hate speech or to justify violence.

We urge you to delineate the boundaries between constructive discourse and destructive propaganda, and promote evidence-based, nuanced thinking that challenges simplistic narratives. Expose the falsity of justifications for acts of terror; expose and condemn disingenuous statements; and reject hypocritical voices that justify murder, rape, and destruction in the name of “resistance”.

Moreover, we expect that Israeli and Jewish students and faculty on university and college campuses will be accorded the same respect and protections as any other minority. The principles of inclusivity and campus safety must unequivocally extend to include Israeli and Jewish members of your academic communities. Just as it would be unthinkable for an academic institution to extend free speech protections to groups targeting other protected classes, so too should demonstrations that call for our destruction and glorify violence against Jews be explicitly prohibited and condemned.

What the world witnessed on October 7 were not methods to help disadvantaged peoples build better futures for themselves. The events of this terrible day should be taken as a wake-up call to all of the dangers of nihilistic organizations like Hamas and ISIS that represent the very opposite of freedom and liberty.

As leaders of Israeli universities, we have been heartened by clear statements of solidary and support for Israel, which are, at their heart, statements in solidary with humanity, enlightenment, and progress. At the same time, we are calling for a sea change in clarity and truth in academia on the matter of Israel’s war against Hamas, so that light will triumph over dark, now and always.


Prof. Arie Zaban, President of Bar-Ilan University.

Chairperson of Association of University Heads – VERA

Prof. Daniel A. Chamovitz, President of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Prof. Alon Chen, President of Weizmann Institute of Science

Prof. Asher Cohen, President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Leo Corry, President of the Open University of Israel

Prof. Ehud Grossman, President of Ariel University

Prof. Ariel Porat, President of Tel-Aviv University

Prof. Ron Robin, President of University of Haifa

Prof. Uri Sivan, President of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

TAU International Students Unite to Combat Disinformation and Oppose Terror

A diverse group of international students have banded together to use their networks and platforms to share the verified truth of Israel’s October 7 terror attack.

Following the horrific October 7, 2023 terror attack by Hamas and the disturbing proliferation of fake news across digital platforms, a group of about 30 international students at Tel Aviv University (TAU) have formed a task force to tell the verified story of what they’re seeing and hearing in Israel right now.

“We’re a group of very diverse students with different backgrounds, different religious backgrounds, nationalities and we are coming even with different political views,” says Maria Ellal, one of the founders of the task force and a student from Malta currently enrolled in the International MA in Security and Diplomacy program. “We are just trying to get the message out of what we are seeing on the ground.”

The task force has launched Instagram, TikTok, X and Facebook accounts, and through them members are sharing the stories of victims and survivors of the terror attack. Every post made has been fact checked through multiple sources. The task force is also creating a content database as they analyze the online content disseminated since the attack on October 7, and members are using their international networks to raise awareness.

“The task force is disseminating truthful information and fact-based information, because in war the first thing that dies is truth,” says Ari Spielman, another founder of the task force, who is an American student in the International MA in Environmental Studies program. “We are verifying survivor accounts and uploading stories so that in the future … this can’t be something where it’s said it didn’t happen – because Holocaust denial, genocide denial … this is something that happens even in a day and age when we have verified, photo information.”

Additionally, members of the task force wrote an open letter that commits to “using our knowledge and international perspective to raise the awareness of societies worldwide,” which has been signed by approximately 150 TAU international students, from various countries such as: Malta, USA, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, France, Hong Kong and Poland.

“We are always proud of our international student community at TAU, but, given these terrible times, we’re admittedly especially proud right now” says Maureen Adiri Meyer, the director of TAU’s The Lowy International School. “We and the wider TAU community are trying to support this and all other student-led initiatives right now, however we can.”

See the task force’s linktree for more information.

From Classes in Tel Aviv to Farming Near Gaza

Members of TAU’s international community join the Israeli-wide effort to help farmers in the south.

In the aftermath of the devastating October terrorist attacks near the Gaza Strip, Israeli agricultural settlements face severe challenges, including the loss of loved ones and a shortage of foreign laborers. Farmers struggle to tend to their crops, resulting in fruit and vegetables left to rot in the fields. In response, Tel Aviv University (TAU) has joined the nationwide initiative to support these farmers by organizing volunteer groups to assist with the workload.   The initiative was started by Dr Anat Gafni and Prof. Ram Fishman who both teach on the international master’s program in Sustainable Development at TAU. Dr. Gafni brought the idea to her international students, and first-year students from Honduras, China, and Russia enthusiastically volunteered. Anat  was joined in her efforts by Prof. Hadas Mamane, the head of the Environmental Engineering program at the TAU Faculty of Engineering and of the Water-Tech Laboratory, whose second-year students also stepped forward to help. Last week the group went to Mivtahim, one of the settlements close to the Gaza Strip, where they dedicated an entire day to taking care of plants.   Dr. Gafni (right) at the farm Dr. Gafni explains: “We left at 7 a.m. from the university and didn’t come back until 6 p.m. It was a whole day of hard work, but it was very rewarding because the family of the farmer lost one person who was killed in the attack, and they were happy to see us.” This week, several students will also work on one of the farms.
“Us coming there is important not only to keep the kibbutzim going but also to warm the hearts of people there when they see that we help them and talk with them,” — Dr. Gafni.
  “I felt it would be great to take part in some field activities, not only to relieve myself of the stress but also to help others who are in a more serious situation,” comments Yixin Wang, one of the student volunteers. Jose Cristobal Padilla Arias (in the middle) with other international student volunteers Jose Cristobal Padilla Arias, another student volunteer, shares his impressions: “Before I came to Israel, I knew from my friends about volunteering in general. As for this particular initiative, I heard about it on the WhatsApp group we have for our program. When we got to the farm, the owner put us into groups and explained what to do. I worked in a zucchini greenhouse, putting in trellises to support the plants and help them guide themselves up. It was a very nice experience because I got to meet many new people. It also made me realize how important the sense of community is– with people working together for a common cause. It’s a good way to acknowledge the hard work that agriculture involves, which makes you value it more. After all, agriculture is one of the fundamental elements of an economy– it provides us with food.”
“I would definitely do it again. It’s hard, but the feeling of helping others is great. I want to give my support as much as I can, being an international student.” — Jose Cristobal Padilla Arias

Tel Aviv University Emergency Fund: Students on IDF reserve duty to receive an initial grant of NIS 1,000

The money will help ease initial financial burdens.

Tel Aviv University announced that every student now serving as a reserve soldier in Operation Iron Swords will immediately receive a grant of NIS 1,000 ($250) from the University. An estimated 5,239 TAU students have been called up since war broke out on Oct. 7. All of them will receive the grant within the next few days as a mark of TAU’s appreciation for their service and to help ease their burden when they return to studies. TAU intends, moreover, to make substantial additional grants, especially for those serving in combat or combat-support units. TAU will also provide additional aid to students on reserve duty or those from the north and south of Israel who are now facing immediate financial problems.

Right at the beginning of the war, TAU established an Emergency Fund to relieve the economic burden of students, faculty members, and their families, and to assist evacuees and the wider community. The Fund is being supported generously by TAU donors from around the world, led by the Blavatnik Family Foundation.

As part of the Emergency Fund’s aid, TAU announced that students residing in the dormitories who were called up to reserve duty are exempt from rent payments for the months of October and November. TAU will also give out hundreds of scholarships to help with the rent payments of dorm residents who have not been called up, based on socioeconomic considerations.

TAU President Prof. Ariel Porat: “TAU is obligated to help its students who are personally impacted by the hardships of war. Naturally, first in line are students now on reserve duty, as well as students from the south and north of Israel who are encountering immediate financial difficulties. We are starting with a modest grant and intend to increase it later on. Beyond financial assistance, we will also offer academic support once the academic year begins. Our reserve soldiers and students affected by the war will not be left behind!”


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