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Author: Hilary

The War’s Unexpected Impact on Coexistence in Israel

TAU study finds Arab citizens feel a growing bond with Jewish Israelis.

A new study by the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation at TAU’s Moshe Dayan Center, reveals encouraging data regarding coexistence in Israel. According to the survey, 57.8% believe that the ongoing war has fostered a sense of shared destiny between Arabs and Jews in Israel. 

The researchers emphasize that this is a statistically significant shift in the attitude of Arab Israelis towards the war. In a similar study conducted a year ago (November 2023), the majority of the Arab public (69.8%) said that the war had harmed solidarity between Arabs and Jews. Moreover, when compared to the results of a survey conducted in June 2024, the current study indicates a positive trend: at the time, only 51.6% of the respondents felt that a sense of shared destiny had arisen between Arabs and Jews, and the current figure represents a statistically significant increase in this metric. 

Additional findings include: 

  • The personal identity of Israel’s Arab citizens incorporates three dominant elements: Israeli citizenship (33.9%), religious affiliation (29.2%), and Arab identity (26.9%). A smaller portion of respondents (9%) regard their Palestinian identity as the dominant component of their identity. The researchers note: “It cannot be ignored that a significant segment of Arab Israelis define their Israeli citizenship as the most important element in their personal identity. Moreover, the current survey suggests that – possibly as a result of the continuing war, the instrumental Israeli citizenship has become more important than the Arab identity – which carries deeper meanings such as religion, nationality, culture, tradition, language, and values”.
  • Opinions in the Arab populace are divided regarding the desirable post-war governance in Gaza: 20.7% believe the Palestinian Authority should take control, 20.1% prefer a multinational force, 17.9% suggest Israel, and 15.8% favor local Gazan entities. Only 6.7% think Hamas should continue governing the Gaza Strip after the war. 
  • Half of the respondents (53.4%) believe a normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia could signal a positive regional development. At the same time, half (49.2%) feel that resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should not be a precondition for such an agreement. 
  • A large majority of respondents (71.8%) support the inclusion of an Arab party in the Israeli government after the next elections. Half of the Arab public (47.8%) support joining any government, not just a center-left coalition.
  • A majority of the Arab public (65.8%) report a weak sense of personal security. The primary reason cited is the high incidence of violence in Arab communities (63.1%), with the ongoing war also contributing to this feeling (24.6%). At the same time, 65.1% of respondents report a relatively good economic situation, and 57.8% believe the war has fostered a sense of shared destiny between Arabs and Jews in Israel. 

The Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation conducted the survey under the auspices of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation at TAU’s Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies (see full study here). 

Dr. Arik Rudnitzky, Project Manager of the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation at the Dayan Center:  “The war between Israel and Hamas is the longest in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, this external conflict has affected attitudes and views within the Arab public, as well as relations between Arabs and Jews in Israel.  It appears, however, that under the dark shadow cast by the war over all citizens of Israel, both Arabs and Jews, meaningful bright spots are emerging, that could redefine the rules of the game in the post-war era. An unprecedented majority of the Arab public – almost 72% – support the inclusion of an Arab party in the government formed after the next elections. Moreover, the upheavals and turbulence in the Middle East in recent months – resulting not only from the direct war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon but also from the collapse of the Assad regime in Syria – have boosted the Arab citizens’ appreciation for their Israeli citizenship. This explains the prominence of Israeli citizenship in the personal identity of Arab citizens, as well as the notion that, over the past year, a sense of shared destiny has sprouted between Arabs and Jews in Israel. This does not mean that Arabs in Israel now ignore their Arab and Palestinian national identity, but it does form a clear statement from Arab citizens, signaling to both the authorities and the Jewish majority that they will willingly collaborate in the rebuilding of Israeli society and politics in the post-war era”.

TAU Researchers Win Rousseeuw Prize from King Baudouin Foundation

The prestigious prize recognizes TAU innovations in statistical science.

On Dec. 3 the King Baudouin Foundation in Belgium awarded the prestigious Rousseeuw Prize in Statistics to Prof. Yoav Benjamini, Prof. Daniel Yekutieli, and Prof. Ruth Heller from the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at Tel Aviv University for their pioneering work on the False Discovery Rate (FDR). The $1 million prize, established as an equivalent of the Nobel Prize which does not include mathematical disciplines, recognizes outstanding contributions in statistics that profoundly impact science and society.

The ceremony was held at the Catholic University of Leuven, where protests by students and faculty members have called for a full academic boycott of Israeli universities. Outside the building where the ceremony took place, students distributed flyers advocating for a comprehensive boycott, similar to the policies adopted by other Belgian universities. Prof. Benjamini delivered a speech at the ceremony, emphasizing the importance of science as a bridge between societies. He called for the preservation of scientific collaborations, avoidance of boycotts, and protection of science from political interference. He also shared the story of the brutal kidnapping and murder of family friend Carmel Gat, noting the ongoing protests in support of a deal to release hostages and end the war, so far to no avail.

The prize was awarded to the researchers for their work enabling the scanning of numerous experimental results to identify meaningful findings while limiting the number of false discoveries.  In their groundbreaking paper, Prof. Yoav Benjamini and the late Prof. Yosef Hochberg introduced the False Discovery Rate criterion. They expressed it mathematically, proposing a method to maximize the number of identified discoveries while maintaining a desirable FDR. Initially clashing with prevailing criteria, their paper remained unpublished for years, but today it is among the most cited papers in science. Prof. Yekutieli and Prof. Heller, former students of Prof. Benjamini, have continued to innovate and expand the FDR methodology independently and collaboratively. Their work has extended the applicability of the Benjamini-Hochberg FDR approach beyond the original paper, enabling its use for challenges in genomics and neuroscience and proposing methods to assess the reproducibility of scientific findings.

Prof. Yoav Benjamini commented: “The idea of the FDR originated from the need of medical researchers to examine numerous factors indicating treatment success. However, in statistics, once a new method is established in one research area, its impact can expand to others. Indeed, FDR methods are now widely applied in diverse fields such as genomics—where relations between tens of thousands of genetic markers of a specific disease are examined; neuroscience – testing which regions in the brain are activated when a certain task, such as face recognition, is performed; agriculture, economics, behavioral sciences, astronomy, and more. What these fields share is the need to scan massive amounts of possible results within mountains of data to identify significant discoveries”.

Prof. Dan Peer Elected Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors

TAU researcher receives top honor for innovation.

Prof. Dan Peer Vice President of R&D at Tel Aviv University was elected as a Fellow of the United States National Academy of Inventors (NAI). The appointment to the rank of NAI Fellow is the highest recognition given by the Academy, awarded to innovators whose inventions have had a decisive impact on quality of life, economic development, and social welfare.

The National Academy of Inventors counts over 1850 Fellows in 260 different institutions globally. The National Academy of Inventors was established in 2010 to recognize and encourage inventions covered by US patents.

Prof. Peer is a trailblazing scientist and a pioneer in harnessing RNA molecules as molecular drugs. His groundbreaking research focuses on developing RNA-based therapies to treat a wide range of diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, cancers of the blood, brain, and ovaries, and rare genetic disorders. Prof. Peer also explores the potential of RNA molecules as vaccines for infectious diseases and designs nanometric drug carriers capable of selectively targeting specific cells.

Among his many achievements, Prof. Peer and his lab were the first in the world to demonstrate systemic delivery of mRNA molecules in animals, as well as the use of short RNA sequences to silence genes in immune cells. Recently, his lab became the first to develop an mRNA vaccine against bacteria. Additionally, his team was the first to demonstrate efficient, systemic, and cell-specific gene delivery in cancer.

Prof. Dan Peer.

In addition to his innovative research, Prof. Peer serves in several leading positions: TAU’s VP of R&D, a member of the National Academy of Engineering (USA) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Over the years, he has contributed to numerous groundbreaking inventions, with over 145 patents filed. Many of these have been commercialized through Ramot and licensed to various companies, some of which are currently in clinical trials. He has also founded several startups in Israel, the UK, and the USA.

NAI Fellow Selection Committee: “This prestigious honor recognizes Prof. Peer’s exceptional achievements as an inventor — his contributions have made a significant impact on innovation, economic development, and society’s welfare. Prof. Dan Peer’s election to the rank of Fellow reflects not only his accomplishments but also his dedication to advancing technology and fostering invention for the benefit of society”.

Prof. Peer: “I am very touched by the recognition of my work. The United States National Academy of Inventors is one of the most prominent bodies dedicated to encouraging inventors in academia, which gathers under its roof the best inventors, and the decision to choose me as a fellow is a great honor for me”.

Is This the Birthplace of Religious Rituals?

A rare discovery of early rituals in the levant.

A rare prehistoric ritual complex has been uncovered in the darkest depths of Manot Cave in Western Galilee, Israel. The complex is enclosed naturally by impressive stalagmites that create a distinctive entrance to the site and feature a unique and impressive rock with geometric engravings resembling a turtle shell. The study of this complex, published in the journal PNAS, was led by Dr. Omry Barzilai from the University of Haifa and Israel Antiquities Authority, Prof. Ofer Marder from Ben-Gurion University, and Prof. Israel Hershkovitz from Tel Aviv University.

“The rare discovery provides a glimpse into the spiritual world of Paleolithic hunter-gatherer groups who lived in our region approximately 35,000 years ago. The engraved rock was deliberately placed in a niche in the deepest, darkest part of the cave. The turtle-shell design, carved on a three-dimensional object, indicates that it may have represented a totem or a mythological or spiritual figure. Its special location, far from the daily activity areas near the cave entrance, suggests it was an object of worship. Notably, there are prehistoric caves in Western Europe, with similar findings testifying these places held symbolic importance and served for ritual and communal activities”, said Dr. Barzilai.

Research team (Left to right): Prof. Ofer Marder, Prof. Israel Hershkovitz & Dr. Omry Barzilai. Photo credit: Dr. Omry Barzilai.

Manot Cave has been excavated systematically since 2010 by the Israel Antiquities Authority, Tel Aviv University, and Ben-Gurion University. The cave is particularly well-known for its stunning stalactites and remains of habitation from several prehistoric cultures of the Upper Paleolithic period. Among its notable discoveries is a 55,000-year-old modern human skull, the oldest modern human fossil found outside Africa.

Ancient Rituals That Shaped Early Societies

In the course of study of the deep complex study, the researchers uncovered ash remains in one of the stalagmite rings near the engraved rock, confirming the use of fire to illuminate the ritual space, likely with torches. Acoustic tests revealed that the complex has enhanced natural acoustics, which could have created a unique auditory experience for communal activities such as prayer, singing, and dancing. Prof. Hershkovitz: “This is an unprecedented discovery of a space with ‘audio-visual equipment’ centered around a ritual object (the turtle), constituting the first evidence of communal rituals in the Levant. It is no surprise that prehistoric hunters chose to conduct their rituals in the darkest part of Manot Cave, as darkness embodies sacred and hidden qualities, symbolizing rebirth and renewal. Establishing ritual centers during the Upper Paleolithic was a central element in the development and institutionalization of collective identity — a necessary stage in the transition from small, isolated hunter-gatherer groups based on blood ties between individuals to large, complex societies”.

The chronological age of the ritual complex in Manot Cave was dated to 35,000–37,000 years ago, a period associated with the sudden emergence of the Aurignacian culture, known in Europe for its symbolic objects and cave paintings. “In our excavations in Manot Cave, we uncovered rich Aurignacian layers near the cave entrance that included flint tools, bone and antler implements, and shell beads”, said Prof. Ofer Marder from Ben-Gurion University.

In a small, hidden chamber adjacent to the ritual complex, a complete deer antler with signs of use was discovered. “Antlers were used as raw material for crafting tools for various purposes by Upper Paleolithic cultures in Europe, and by the Aurignacian culture in the Levant. The placement of the deer antler in a hidden chamber adjacent to the ritual site may be connected to the ritual activities in the cave”, explained Dr. Barzilai.

A deer beam from the hidden hall in Manot Cave (Photo credit: Dafna Gazit, Israel Antiquities Authority).

The geometric engravings found on the turtle shell-shaped rock were scanned with a unique confocal microscope capable of capturing extremely thin horizontal sections. “We identified fine micro-linear scratches inside some of the grooves, confirming without a doubt that the engravings are the work of human hands. These carvings are evidence of our ancestors’ artistic skills and their deep connection to rituals and symbols”, said Prof. Rachel Sarig from the Dental Medicine Laboratory at Tel Aviv University, who conducted the scans.

A turtle shell-shaped rock with geometric carvings (Photo credit: Clara Amit, Israel Antiquities Authority).

The researchers also conducted 3D photographic mapping of the cave. “We found a clear separation between the ritual complex and the areas of regular activity at the cave entrance. This observation strengthens the hypothesis about the significance of the complex and the need to differentiate it from the areas where daily activity took place”, said Alexander Wigman from the Israel Antiquities Authority.

According to the researchers, the discovery of the ritual complex in Manot Cave sheds new light on the spiritual life of the Upper Paleolithic people in the Levant. “This research enriches our understanding of prehistoric humans, their symbolic world, and the nature of the worship rituals that connected ancient communities. Identifying communal rituals in the Paleolithic era marks a breakthrough in our understanding of human society and offers more than just a glimpse into ancient ritual practices. It reveals the central role of rituals and symbols in shaping collective identity and strengthening social bonds”, the researchers concluded.

The Manot Cave project is supported by the Dan David Foundation, the Israel Science Foundation, the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, the Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation, and the Leakey Foundation. The research involved experts from the Israel Antiquities Authority, Cleveland State University, the Geological Survey of Israel, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the University of Haifa, Tel Aviv University, Ben-Gurion University, the University of Vienna, the University of Barcelona, the University of Siena, and Simon Fraser University.

TAU Discovery Decodes a Rare Neurological Disease

This breakthrough could pave the way for neurological treatments.

Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed an innovative research model that allowed them to decode the mechanism underlying a severe and rare neurological disease. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as epilepsy, developmental delay, and intellectual disability.

According to the researchers: “Decoding the disease mechanism is a critical step toward developing treatments targeting specific cellular functions for this disease and other conditions with similar mechanisms affecting cellular energy production”.

The research was led by Tel Aviv University’s Prof. Abdussalam Azem, Dean of the Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, in collaboration with Prof. Uri Ashery and PhD student Eyal Paz from the School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Wise Faculty of Life Sciences and the Sagol School of Neuroscience. Additional contributors included Dr. Sahil Jain and Dr. Irit Gottfried from the School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics at Tel Aviv University, Dr. Orna Staretz-Chacham from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ben-Gurion University, Dr. Muhammad Mahajnah from the Technion, and researchers from Emory University in Atlanta, USA. The findings were published in the prominent journal eLife.

TIMM50 Mutation Linked to Rare Brain Disorders

Prof. Azem explains: “The disease we studied is caused by a mutation in a protein called TIMM50, which plays a crucial role in importing other proteins into the mitochondria—the organelle considered the cell’s energy powerhouse. The human mitochondria operate with about 1,500 proteins (approximately 10% of all human proteins), but only about 13 of them are produced within the mitochondria itself. The rest are imported externally through various mechanisms. In recent years, mutations in the TIMM50 protein, which is responsible for importing about 800 proteins into the mitochondria, were found to cause severe and rare neurological disease with symptoms like epilepsy, developmental delay, and intellectual disability”.

Prof. Ashery adds: “Protein import into the mitochondria has been extensively studied over the years, but how a mutation in TIMM50 affects brain cells was never tested before. To investigate this for the first time, we created an innovative model using mouse neurons that mimics the disease caused by the TIMM50 protein mutation. In this study, we significantly reduced the expression of the protein in mouse brain cells and observed its impact on the cells”.

How Does a Protein Defect Link Energy Loss to Epilepsy?

Eyal Paz explains: “The impairment of the protein led to two main findings: a reduction in energy production in the neurons, which could explain the developmental issues seen in the disease and an increase in the frequency of action potentials (the electrical signals that transmit information along neurons and enable communication between them). This increase in action potential frequency is known to be associated with epilepsy. The change in frequency is likely caused by significant damage to two proteins that function as potassium channels. Imbalances in potassium levels can lead to life-threatening conditions, such as arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and muscle weakness, potentially leading to paralysis. These potassium channels may serve as potential targets for future drug treatments for the disease”.

Prof. Azem concludes: “Our study decodes the mechanism of a severe and rare neurological disease caused by a mutation in a protein critical for importing proteins into the mitochondria. Understanding the mechanism is a crucial step toward treatment, as it enables the development of drugs targeting the specific issues identified. Additionally, we created a new research model based on mouse neurons that significantly advances the study of protein import into mitochondria in brain cells. We believe that our findings, combined with the innovative model, will enable more in-depth research and the development of treatments for various neurological diseases caused by similar mitochondrial dysfunction mechanisms”.

How Can Songwriting and AI Transform Education?

Encouraging independent learning through an AI songwriting competition.

The Jaime and Joan Constantiner School of Education at Tel Aviv University recently hosted the SRL-VISION Competition, a groundbreaking event focused on creating songs using generative AI to explore innovative ways of fostering independent learning in education. This unique initiative was part of a course led by Prof. Anat Cohen, aiming to merge self-regulated learning (SRL) with the creative potential of generative AI tools. Students delved into research literature, developed practical ideas, and transformed them into imaginative songs.

And the Winner Is: “Positive Reinforcement”

The winning song, “Positive Reinforcement,” was chosen by a majority vote among the students. It emphasizes the importance of providing positive reinforcement in independent learning—benefiting both learners and educators.

This creative competition was part of the EffecTive Project, a collaborative initiative involving European universities to design programs that strengthen digital skills for teachers and teaching students. Guy Cohen, a PhD candidate assisting with the course, highlighted its purpose: “Our goal is to equip teachers and students with the tools they need to thrive in today’s digital world”.

Prof. Cohen elaborated: “The primary aim of this course is to promote meaningful and innovative learning through critical thinking and AI-driven tools. Students actively engage in exploring the strengths and challenges of these technologies while developing creative approaches to teaching and learning.”

תחרות SRL VISION הראשונה

The first-ever SRL-VISION competition.

What Can Locusts Teach Us About Efficiency in Design?

Research shows locusts’ digging valves are built just right for their task.

Researchers at Tel Aviv University examined the mechanical wear of digging valves located at the tip of the female locust’s abdomen, used to dig pits for laying eggs 3 to 4 times during her lifetime. They found that, unlike organs with remarkably high wear resistance, such as the mandible (lower jaw), the valves wear down substantially due to intensive digging.

The researchers: “This is an instructive example of the ‘good enough’ principle in nature. Evolution saw no need to invest extra energy and resources in an organ with a specific purpose that performs its function adequately. We, humans, who often invest excessive resources in engineered systems, can learn much from nature”.

The study was led by Dr. Bat-El Pinchasik from the School of Mechanical Engineering and Prof. Amir Ayali from the School of Zoology at the Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, the Sagol School of Neuroscience and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History at Tel Aviv University. Other participants included: PhD student Shai Sonnenreich from TAU’s School of Mechanical Engineering, as well as researchers from the Technical University of Dresden in Germany, Prof. Yael Politi and a postdoc in her group, Dr. Andre Eccel Vellwock. The article was published in the prestigious journal Advanced Functional Materials.

Left to right: Prof. Amir Ayali, Dr. Bat-El Pinchasik & PhD student Shai Sonnenreich.

Dr. Pinchasik: “In my lab, we study mechanical mechanisms in nature, partly to draw inspiration for solving technological problems. Recently we collaborated with locust expert Prof. Amir Ayali in a series of studies, to understand the mechanism used by the female locust for digging a pit to lay her eggs. This unique mechanism consists of two shovel-like valves that open and close cyclically, digging into the soil while pressing the sand against the walls”.

Prof. Ayali: “We know that many mechanisms in the bodies of insects in general, and locusts in particular, are exceptionally resistant to mechanical wear. For example, the locust’s mandibles, used daily for feeding, are made of a highly durable material. The digging valves, on the other hand, while subjected to substantial shear forces during digging, are used only 3 or 4 times in the female’s lifetime – when she lays eggs. In this study, we sought to discover whether these digging valves, made of hard cuticular material, were also equipped by evolution with high resistance to mechanical wear”.

To address this question, the researchers examined the digging valves in three different groups of female locusts: young females that had not yet laid eggs, mature females kept in conditions that prevented them from laying eggs – to test whether age alone causes wear and adult females that had already laid eggs 3 or 4 times. To analyze the internal structure and durability of the digging valves, the researchers used several advanced technologies: confocal microscopy, 3D fluorescent imaging, and a particle accelerator (synchrotron) in collaboration with the German team. The findings indicated significant signs of wear in the valves and a lack of elements associated with high resistance to mechanical wear. Notably, no reinforcing metal ions, typical of extremely wear-resistant biological materials, were found in the valves.

Dr. Pinchasik: “A female locust’s biological role is laying eggs three or four times in her life. In this study, we found that evolution has designed her digging valves to meet their task precisely—no more and no less. This is a wonderful example of the ‘good enough’ principle in nature: no extra resources are invested in an organ when they’re not needed”.

“As humans, we can learn much from nature – about conserving materials, energy, and resources. As engineers who develop products, we must understand the need precisely and design an accurate response, avoiding unnecessary overengineering” – Dr. Pinchasik.

Exposing Hamas’ Ground Movements on October 7th with Seismic Data

New research shows analysis of seismic data reveals Hamas’ movements on October 7th.

A groundbreaking study in the field of forensic seismology, conducted by Tel Aviv University researchers, has identified the seismic signature of Hamas forces’ movement before the October 7th attack. Researchers from the Department of Geophysics at Tel Aviv University’s Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences and Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences recently analyzed data recorded at three seismic stations in southern Israel. The findings reveal that on the morning of October 7th, approximately half an hour before the deadly terrorist assault, the stations recorded weak but widespread human-induced seismic noise. The researchers attribute these anomalous seismic amplitudes to the unusual movement of heavy vehicles within the Gaza Strip heading toward organizational points along the Israeli border up to 20 minutes before the ground barrier breach.

The researchers explain that forensic seismology is often used to monitor conventional and nuclear explosions. However, this is the first time in history that weak ground motions resulting from preparations for a terrorist attack have been identified by analyzing the characteristics of seismic noise induced by vehicular traffic. They believe the discovery demonstrates the potential usage of seismic-based sensing technology to provide early warnings of terrorist activity. However, they emphasize that the identification of these movements in Gaza was conducted retrospectively, months after the attack.

The study, led by Dr. Asaf Inbal of the Department of Geophysics at Tel Aviv University’s Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences and the Faculty of Exact Sciences, was published in The Seismic Record, a journal of the Seismological Society of America.

Dr. Inbal explains: “The Israeli Geological Survey operates a nationwide network of dozens of highly sensitive seismometers that continuously monitor ground motions. This network is primarily designed to detect and locate earthquakes and warn of strong ground shaking caused by large-magnitude seismic events. However, three stations in the network—located in Amazia, Ktsiot, and Yatir, between 30 and 50 kilometers from Gaza—recorded unusual seismic noise levels early in the morning of October 7th, 2023. This noise can be attributed with confidence to the vehicular activity in Gaza as Hamas terrorists gathered for the attack. The time frame was between 6:00 and 6:30 AM, before the rocket fire began. The likelihood that the recorded signals originated from Gaza is over 99.9%”.

Detecting Terrorist Preparations with Seismic Waves

Although the seismometers are designed to detect extremely weak ground motions, Dr. Inbal points out that the ability to link the seismic noise to Gazan vehicle movements was facilitated by the quiet background seismic noise levels that prevailed in southern Israel during the early hours of that Saturday morning, which coincided with the holiday of Simchat Torah.

“The motions recorded near the seismometers were in the range of tens of nanometers per second, whereas the minimum ground motion detectable by humans is several millimeters per second”, explains Dr. Inbal.

“The characteristics of the noise originating from Gaza and captured by the Israeli stations are fundamentally different from those recorded at the same stations on previous Saturdays during those hours. We analyzed three years of data from the Israeli station trio recorded in the same time frame as the one leading up to the attack. We found no instance of a Saturday morning when correlated amplitudes were recorded at all three stations for over 10 minutes. It’s important to note that these stations are widely spaced, with each station primarily sensitive to seismic noise generated by nearby human activity. For instance, the distance between Ktsiot and Amazia is about 80 kilometers, and on previous Saturdays, there was no correlation between the data recorded at these stations. On the morning of the attack, when local activity near the stations was minimal, we found unique widespread seismic amplitudes, which monotonically increased with time approaching the attack. No known natural or human source on the Israeli side could have generated seismic signals with a distribution and intensity similar to those attributed to Hamas movements. Although the outdoor music festival near Re’im generated some seismic noise, our analysis shows that this noise does not match the strength or location of the noise sources recorded by the Israeli seismic network on October 7th”.

Findings from the research.

New Insights Into Hamas’ Movements on October 7th

The analysis indicates the seismic noise detected began at 6:00 AM and intensified as the attack approached. Occasionally, the noise contained short bursts strong enough to pinpoint their source and track their progress. The location and intensity of these sources in Gaza suggest vehicle movements advancing southward and northward within Gaza, from Rafah in the south to the Erez crossing in the north, during the 30 minutes leading up to the attack.

“We have good resolution along Salah al-Din Road, a major thoroughfare crossing Gaza from Rafah in the south to Beit Lahia in the north”, says Dr. Inbal. “We can confirm with high certainty that their forces moved along this route at speeds of 25 to 50 km/h. Observations from stations dozens of kilometers from Gaza’s border indicate convoys of heavy vehicles such as bulldozers and trucks carrying operatives. Three minutes before the attack began, we detected noise sources reaching the northern end of Gaza near Beit Lahia and the southern end near Khan Yunis. At the same time, we continued receiving signals from central Gaza, near Nuseirat. We know the assault began almost simultaneously along the entire border, so these seismic observations provide further evidence of the extensive deployment of Hamas forces, likely enabling the simultaneous breach of the ground barrier”.

Dr. Inbal concludes: “This development results from five years of seismological research aimed at characterizing seismic noise generated by human activities. I hope this new knowledge will lead to the expanded use of such tools for both security and industrial purposes”.

“We see graduates of the Department of Geophysics at Tel Aviv University playing a leading role in scientific and technological advancements, and we are confident that in the future, multi-purpose seismic-sensing technologies will be more widely used in various fields that impact our daily lives” – Dr. Inbal.

Is Treatment for Genetic Autism on the Horizon?

New study reveals brain mechanisms involved in genetically based autism which may lead to effective treatment

A groundbreaking study from Tel Aviv University expands the understanding of the biological mechanism underlying genetically-based autism, specifically mutations in the SHANK3gene, responsible for nearly one million cases of autism worldwide. Based on these discoveries, the research team applied a genetic treatment that improved the function of cells affected by the mutation, laying a foundation for future treatments for SHANK3-related autism.

The study was led by the lab of Prof. Boaz Barak and PhD student Inbar Fischer from the Sagol School of Neuroscience and the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University, in collaboration with the labs of Prof. Ben Maoz from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Fleischman Faculty of Engineering at Tel Aviv University and Prof. Shani Stern from the Department of Neurobiology at the University of Haifa. The article was published in the prestigious journal Science Advances.

PhD student Inbar Fischer.

Prof. Barak: “Autism is a relatively common neurodevelopmental disorder. According to current data, 1-2% of the global population and one in every 36 boys in the U.S. are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with numbers rising over time. Autism is caused by a wide range of factors – environmental, genetic, and even social and cultural (such as the rise in parental age at conception). In my lab, we study the genetic causes of autism. Among these are mutations in a gene called SHANK3. The impact of these mutations on the function of brain neurons has been extensively studied, and we know that the protein encoded by SHANK3 plays a central role in binding receptors in the neuron, essential for receiving chemical signals (neurotransmitters and others) by which neurons communicate. Thus, damage to this gene can disrupt message transmission between neurons, impairing the brain’s development and function. In this study we sought to shed light on other, previously unknown mechanisms, through which mutations in the SHANK3 gene disrupt brain development, leading to disorders manifested as autism”.

Specifically, the research team focused on two components in the brain that have not yet been studied extensively in this context: non-neuronal brain cells (glia) called oligodendrocytes and the myelin they produce. Myelin tissue is a fatty layer that insulates nerve fibers (axons), similar to the insulating layer that coats electrical cables. When the myelin is faulty, the electrical signals transmitted through the axons may leak, disrupting the message transmission between brain regions and impairing brain function.

How a Gene Mutation Impacts the Brain

The team employed a genetically engineered mouse model for autism, introducing a mutation in the Shank3 gene that mirrors the mutation found in humans with this form of autism. Inbar Fischer: “Through this model, we found that the mutation causes a dual impairment in the brain’s development and proper function: first, in oligodendrocytes, as in neurons, the SHANK3 protein is essential for the binding and functioning of receptors that receive chemical signals (neurotransmitters and others) from neighboring cells. This means that the defective protein associated with autism disrupts message transmission to these vital support cells. Secondly, when the function and development of oligodendrocytes is impaired, their myelin production is also disrupted. The faulty myelin does not properly insulate the neuron’s axons, thereby reducing the efficiency of electrical signal transmission between brain cells, as well as the synchronization of electrical activity between different parts of the brain. In our model, we found myelin impairment in multiple brain areas and observed that the animals’ behavior was adversely affected as a result”.

The researchers then sought a method for fixing the damage caused by the mutation, with the hope of ultimately developing a treatment for humans. Inbar Fischer: “We obtained oligodendrocytes from the brain of a mouse with a Shank3 mutation, and inserted DNA segments containing the normal human SHANK3 sequence. Our goal was to allow the normal gene to encode a functional and normal protein, which, replacing the defective protein, would perform its essential role in the cell. To our delight, following treatment, the cells expressed the normal SHANK3 protein, enabling the construction of a functional protein substrate to bind the receptors that receive electrical signals. In other words, the genetic treatment we had developed repaired the oligodendrocytes’ communication sites, essential for the cells’ proper development and function as myelin producers”.

To validate findings from the mouse model, the research team generated induced pluripotent stem cells from the skin cells of a girl with autism caused by a SHANK3 gene mutation identical to that in the mice. From these stem cells, they derived human oligodendrocytes with the same genetic profile. These oligodendrocytes displayed impairments similar to those observed in their mouse counterparts.

Autism and Myelin Damage: New Hope for Treatment

Prof. Barak concludes: “In our study, we discovered two new brain mechanisms involved in genetically induced autism: damage to oligodendrocytes and, consequently, damage to the myelin they produce. These findings have important implications – both clinical and scientific.  Scientifically, we learned that defective myelin plays a significant role in autism and identified the mechanism causing the damage to myelin. Additionally, we revealed a new role for the SHANK3 protein: building and maintaining a functional binding substrate for receptors critical for message reception in oligodendrocytes (not just in neurons). We discovered that contrary to the prevailing view, these cells play essential roles in their own right, far beyond the support they provide for neurons — often seen as the main players in the brain. In the clinical sphere, we validated a gene therapy approach that led to significantly improved development and function of oligodendrocytes derived from the brains of mice modeling autism. This finding offers hope for developing genetic treatment for humans, which could improve the myelin production process in the brain. Furthermore, recognizing the significance of myelin impairment in autism—whether linked to the SHANK3 gene or not—opens new pathways for understanding the brain mechanisms underlying autism and paves the way for future treatment development”.

Does Looking Good Lead to Doing Good?

New study finds that feeling attractive can lead to more generosity and kindness.

Does the global beauty trend have positive social aspects as well? A new study from Tel Aviv University shows that people who make an effort to improve their appearance—whether this effort is real or imagined, in the physical world or on social media—act more kindly towards others and are twice as likely to donate to charity.

The surprising study was led by Dr. Natalia Kononov, who completed her doctorate under the supervision of Prof. Danit Ein-Gar at the Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University and is now a postdoctoral fellow at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. The study, conducted in collaboration with Prof. Ein-Gar and Prof. Stefano Puntoni of Wharton, was published in the International Journal of Research in Marketing.

Prof. Danit Ein-Gar (Photo credit: Israel Hadari).

“When we enhance our appearance and feel beautiful—for example, after a fresh haircut—we behave in a more socially conscious manner”, explains Prof. Ein-Gar. “Why? Because we feel as though all eyes are on us, drawing attention, and so we strive to act better. It’s easy to criticize the selfie generation, constantly beautifying themselves and sharing polished photos, but we demonstrate a side effect of this behavior that can benefit society. People who feel good about their appearance can channel that feeling into good deeds”.

Dr. Natalia Kononov.

To test their hypothesis, the researchers conducted a series of experiments, some in virtual settings and others in a laboratory. In one lab experiment, participants were asked to use a filter to enhance a selfie they had taken. A control group, meanwhile, was asked to enhance a photo of an object in the room.

“The experimental group consisted of 50 participants, as did the control group”, Prof. Ein-Gar explains. “After viewing their enhanced photo, each participant collected an envelope with their payment in cash. Next to the payment envelope, there was a donation box so participants could voluntarily donate some or all of their payment. We observed that members of the experimental group, who saw themselves as more attractive, donated up to twice as much as those in the control group. It’s enough to imagine ourselves as more attractive—even just envisioning a more polished digital version of ourselves—to encourage prosocial behavior. This insight has significant practical implications. Until now, research has focused on the appearance of the donation seekers—whether the recipient or the fundraiser—and indeed, more attractive fundraisers have been found to raise more money. Our study introduces another relevant factor: the donor’s appearance. This opens the door to innovative strategies for streamlining charity campaigns, such as partnering with cosmetic companies, hairdressers, and beauty salons—for everyone’s benefit”.

Beauty and the Benefit

One of the most surprising experiments was conducted virtually, on Facebook. Clicking on a link randomly directed users to one of two “know yourself” questionnaires. The control group’s questionnaire asked about preferred architectural styles, while the experimental group’s questionnaire included questions about fashion styles and was designed to make respondents imagine themselves at their most attractive moments, such as envisioning themselves dressed up for a fancy social event. At the end of the questionnaire, a seemingly unrelated pop-up appeared with a link to a donation page. About 7% of respondents who answered the “beauty” questionnaire clicked on the donation link, compared to approximately 2% of those who answered the architectural questionnaire—a particularly impressive figure considering the average click-through rate on Facebook links is just 0.9%.

“Our society is obsessively focused on physical appearance while simultaneously criticizing this superficial behavior”, says Dr. Kononov. “People who are appearance-focused are often judged harshly, but we show that this behavior can have positive spillover effects that benefit others. Social mechanisms may evolve to create some balance, where behaviors that serve the individual are accompanied by byproducts that contribute to the greater good“.


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