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Prof. Ehud Gazit: Meitner-Humboldt Award Winner7

Congratulations to Prof. Ehud Gazit on receiving the esteemed Meitner-Humboldt Research Award.

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany has announced that it is awarding the Meitner-Humboldt Research Award for the year 2024 to Prof. Ehud Gazit of Tel Aviv University, in recognition of his extensive academic achievements. The award is bestowed upon eminent international researchers across diverse fields of study who have had a substantial impact on their respective domains and are anticipated to continue to achieve groundbreaking academic accomplishments in the future. Prof. Ehud Gazit is a world-renowned researcher in the fields of nanotechnology, biochemistry, and biophysics research. He is a full professor at both the Shmunis School for Biomedicine and Cancer Research in the Wise Faculty of Life Sciences and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in the Fleischman Faculty of Engineering. Additionally, he serves as the Chair of Biotechnology of Degenerative Diseases, as a member of the Tel Aviv University’s Executive Council, and as the founding director of the Blavatnik Center for Drug Discovery.  
Prof. Ehud Gazit: “I am grateful to receive international recognition for my academic research and support towards future endeavors. I would like to thank the members of the award committee and Prof. Klaus Jandt from the University of Jena in Germany for the nomination and selection. This is a profound honor for me.”
  Prof. Gazit is one of the most prolific inventors in the Israeli academy. He has registered over one hundred patents and led the transfer of technologies to companies in Israel and around the world. He has published nearly 400 peer-reviewed articles in top journals. His groundbreaking research has earned him numerous accolades in Israel and abroad, including the Kadar Family Award for Outstanding Research, the Landau Prize from the Mifal Hapayis national lottery, and the Rappaport Prize for Excellence in Biomedical Research. Prof. Gazit is a fellow of the UK’s Royal Society of Chemistry, a Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization, and a Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Recently, he was elected as a fellow in the US National Academy of Inventors, the highest recognition bestowed by the organization. The Meitner-Humboldt Research Award has been awarded since 1991 in collaboration between the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology, and Space (MOST). It is named in memory of the Austrian nuclear physicist Lise Meitner and the German naturalist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt.

Do Viruses Have Consciousness?

Bacteria-Targeting Viruses Adapt, Improving their Decision-Making.

Researchers from the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research at Tel Aviv University have deciphered a novel complex decision-making process that helps viruses choose to turn nasty or stay friendly to their bacterial host. In a new paper, they describe how viruses co-opt a bacterial immune system, intended to combat viruses like themselves, in this decision-making process. The study was led by Polina Guler, a PhD student in Prof. Avigdor Eldar’s lab, in addition to other lab members, at the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences. The paper was published in Nature Microbiology.  

All-You-Can-Eat Bacteriophage

  Bacteriophages, also known as phages, are types of viruses that infect bacteria and use the infected bacteria to replicate and spread. Even though the word ‘bacteriophage,’ meaning ‘bacteria devouring’ in ancient Greek, suggests destruction, many phages can adopt a “sleeping” mode, in which the virus incorporates itself into the bacterial genome. In fact, in this mode of action, the virus can even have a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria, and its genes can help its host prosper.     In general, Eldar explains that phages usually prefer to stay in the “sleeping”, dormant mode, in which the bacteria “cares” for their needs and helps them safely replicate. Previous research published by the Eldar lab has shown that the phages’ decision-making uses two kinds of information to decide whether to stay dormant or turn violent: the “health status” of their host and signals from outside indicating the presence of other phages around.    
“A phage can’t infect a cell already occupied by another phage. If the phage identifies that its host is compromised but also receives signals indicating the presence of other phages in the area, it opts to remain with its current host, hoping for recovery. If there is no outside signal, the phage ‘understands’ that there might be room for it in another host nearby and it’ll turn violent, replicate quickly, kill the host, and move on to the next target”, Eldar explains.

Death by Phage

  The new study deciphers the mechanism that enables the virus to make these decisions. “We discovered that in this process the phage actually uses a system that the bacteria developed to kill phages”, says Guler. If it does not sense a signal from other phages—indicating that it has a good chance of finding new hosts—the phage activates a mechanism that disables the defense system. “The phage switches to its violent mode, and with the defense system neutralized, it is able to replicate and kill its host”, describes Guler. “If the phage senses high concentrations of the signal, instead of disabling the defense system, it utilizes its defense activity in order to turn on its dormant mode”.     “The research revealed a new level of sophistication in this arms race between bacteria and viruses,” adds Eldar. Most bacterial defense systems against phages were studied in the context of viruses that are always violent. Far less is known about the mechanisms of attacks and interaction with viruses that have a dormant mode. “The bacteria also have an interest in keeping the virus in the dormant mode, first and foremost to prevent their own death, and also because the genes of the dormant phage might even contribute to bacterial functions,” says Eldar.     “This finding is important for several reasons. One reason is that some bacteria, such as those causing the cholera disease in humans, become more violent if they carry dormant phages inside them – the main toxins that harm us are actually encoded by the phage genome,” explains Eldar. “Another reason is that phages can potentially serve as replacements to antibiotics against pathogenic bacteria. Finally, phage research may lead to better understanding of viruses in general and many human-infecting viruses can also alternate between dormant and violent modes”.

Unlocking Quantum Mysteries with Pendula

Pendulum Experiment Sheds Light on Quantum Mysteries in Topological Materials, Revealing Insights Unreachable by Traditional Methods.

A recent study conducted at Tel Aviv University has devised a large mechanical system that operates under dynamical rules akin to those found in quantum systems. The dynamics of quantum systems, composed of microscopic particles like atoms or electrons, are notoriously difficult, if not impossible, to observe directly. However, this new system allows researchers to visualize phenomena occurring in specialized “topological” materials through the movement of a system of coupled pendula.   The research is a collaboration between Dr. Izhar Neder of the Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Chaviva Sirote-Katz of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Dr. Meital Geva and Prof. Yair Shokef of the School of Mechanical Engineering, and Prof. Yoav Lahini and Prof. Roni Ilan of the School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel Aviv University and was recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS).  
    Exploring Quantum Wave Phenomena   Quantum mechanics governs the microscopic world of electrons, atoms and molecules. An electron, which is a particle that moves in an atom or in a solid, may have properties that give rise to wave-like phenomena. For instance, it may demonstrate a probability of dispersing in space similar to waves spreading out in a pool after a stone is thrown in, or the capability to exist simultaneously in more than one place.     Such wave-like properties lead to a unique phenomenon that appears in some solid isolators, where even though there is no electric current through them, and the electrons do not move due to an external electric voltage, the internal arrangement of the material shows up in a state referred to as “topological”. This means that the wave of electrons possesses a quantity that can “close on itself” in different ways, somewhat like the difference between a cylinder and a Möbius strip. This “topological” state of the electrons, for which the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded, is considered a new state of matter and attracts much current research.   Chaviva Sirote-Katz   Despite the theoretical interest, there is a limitation in measuring these phenomena in quantum systems. Due to the nature of quantum mechanics, one cannot directly measure the electron’s wave function and its dynamical evolution. Instead, researchers indirectly measure the wave-like and topological properties of electrons in materials, for instance by measuring the electrical conductivity at the edges of solids.     In the current study, the researchers considered the possibility of constructing a sufficiently large mechanical system that would adhere to dynamical rules akin to those found in quantum systems, and in which they could directly measure everything. To this end, they built an array of 50 pendula, with string lengths that slightly varied from one pendulum to the other. The strings of each neighboring pair of pendula were connected at a controlled height, such that each one’s motion would affect its neighbors’ motion.     Quantum Pendulum Insights   On one hand, the system obeyed Newton’s laws of motion, which govern the physics of our everyday lives, but the precise lengths of the pendula and the connections between them created a magical phenomenon: Newton’s laws caused the wave of the pendulum’s motion to approximately obey Schrödinger’s equation – the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics, which governs the motion of electrons in atoms and in solids. Therefore, the motion of the pendula, which is visible in the macroscopic world, reproduced the behaviors of electrons in periodic systems such as crystals.     The researchers pushed a few pendula and then released them. This generated a wave that propagated freely along the chain of pendula, and the researchers could directly measure the evolution of this wave – an impossible mission for the motion of electrons. This enabled the direct measurement of three phenomena. The first phenomenon, known as Bloch oscillations, occurs when electrons within a crystal are influenced by an electric voltage, pulling them in a specific direction. In contrast to what one would expect, the electrons do not simply move along the direction of the field, but they oscillate back and forth due to the periodic structure of the crystal. This phenomenon is predicted to appear in ultra-clean solids, which are very hard to find in nature. In the pendula system, the wave periodically moved back and forth, exactly according to Bloch’s prediction.     The second phenomenon that was directly measured in the pendula system is called Zener tunneling. Tunneling is a unique quantum phenomenon, which allows particles to pass through barriers, in contrast to classical intuition. For Zener tunneling, this appears as the splitting of a wave, the two parts of which then move in opposite directions. One part of the wave returns as in Bloch oscillations, while the other part “tunnels” through a forbidden state and proceeds in its propagation. This splitting, and specifically its connection to the motion of the wave in either direction, is a clear characteristic of the Schrödinger equation.     In fact, such a phenomenon is what disturbed Schrödinger, and is the main reason for the suggestion of his famous paradox; according to Schrödinger’s equation, the wave of an entire cat can split between a live-cat state and a dead-cat state. The researchers analyzed the pendula motion and extracted the parameters of the dynamics, for instance, the ratio between the amplitudes of the two parts of the split wave, which is equivalent to the quantum Zener tunneling probability. The experimental results showed fantastic agreement with the predictions of Schrödinger’s equation.     The pendula system is governed by classical physics. Therefore, it cannot mimic the full richness of quantum systems. For instance, in quantum systems, the measurement can influence the system’s behavior (and cause Schrödinger’s cat to eventually be dead or alive when it is viewed). In the classical system of macroscopic pendulum, there is no counterpart to this phenomenon. However, even with these limitations, the pendula array allows the observation of interesting and non-trivial properties of quantum systems, which may not be directly measured in the latter.     The third phenomenon that was directly observed in the pendula experiment was the wave evolution in a topological medium. Here, the researchers found a way to directly measure the topological characteristic from the wave dynamics in the system – a task that is almost impossible in quantum materials. To this end, the pendula array was tuned twice, so that they would mimic Schrödinger’s equation of the electrons, once in a topological state and once in a trivial (i.e. standard) state. By comparing small differences in the pendulum motion between the two experiments, the researchers could classify the two states. The classification required a very delicate measurement of a difference between the two experiments of exactly half a period of oscillation of a single pendulum after 400 full oscillations that lasted 12 minutes. This small difference was found to be consistent with the theoretical prediction.     The experiment opens the door to realizing further situations that are even more interesting and complex, like the effects of noise and impurities, or how energy leakage affects wave dynamics in Schrödinger’s equation. These are effects that can be easily realized and seen in this system, by deliberately perturbing the pendula motion in a controlled manner.

Could Restarting Change the Game for Chemical Research?

Not only in Information Technology: Restart Also Works in Chemical Simulations.

A new study from Tel Aviv University discovered that a common practice in Information Technology can also be applied in chemistry. Researchers found that to enhance the sampling in chemical simulations, all you need to do is stop and restart.  The research was led by Ph.D. student Ofir Blumer, in collaboration with Professor Shlomi Reuveni and Dr. Barak Hirshberg from the Sackler School of Chemistry at Tel Aviv University. The study was published in the journal Nature Communications.

If We Could Turn Back Time

The researchers explain that molecular dynamics simulations are like a virtual microscope. They track the motion of all atoms in chemical, physical, and biological systems such as proteins, liquids and crystals. They provide insights into various processes and have different technological applications, including drug design. However, these procedures can only depict events slower than one-millionth of a second, so they can’t show slower processes like protein folding or crystal nucleation. This limitation, known as the timescale problem, is a great challenge in the field.

Ph.D. student Ofir Blumer: “In our new study we show that the timescale problem can be overcome by stochastic resetting of the simulations. It seems counterintuitive at first glance – how can the simulations end faster when restarted? Yet, it turns out that reaction times vary considerably between simulations. In some simulations, reactions occur rapidly, but other simulations get lost in intermediate states for long periods. Resetting prevents the simulations from getting stuck in such intermediates and shortens the average simulation time”.

The researchers also combined stochastic resetting with Metadynamics, a popular method to expedite the simulations of slow chemical processes. The combination allows greater acceleration than either method separately. Moreover, Metadynamics relies on prior knowledge. To speed up the simulation, it’s essential to know the reaction coordinates. The combination of Metadynamics with resetting reduces the dependency on prior knowledge significantly, saving time for practitioners of the method. Finally, the researchers showed that the combination provides more accurate predictions of the rate of slow processes. The combined method was used to enhance simulations of a protein folding in water successfully and it is expected to be applied to more systems in the future.

Bye Bye Birdie: How Will Crows Survive Without Us?

When the Humans Are Away, Do the Crows Still Play?

A new study from Tel Aviv University examined what happens to birds that are accustomed to living around humans, when their habitat is suddenly emptied of the presence of humans. The study found that when humans are suddenly absent from the urban environment, the activity of the crows and ringneck parakeets that “live” in the area reduces significantly. Conversely, the graceful prinias, who are generally considered shy, increased their activity.  

Bird’s Eye View

Among other birds, the researchers tested crows, ringneck parakeets (also known as rose-ringed parakeets) and graceful prinias – and the findings are surprising: while the crows and ringneck parakeets, who are characterized by their tendency to “follow” humans, are already accustomed to the noises they make and feed on their food scraps, decreased their activity, the graceful prinias, which are considered shy, actually increased their activity in the same area.   A prinia bird leaninn on a branch A prinia bird leaninn on a branch.   The research was conducted under the leadership of research student Congnan Sun, Dr. Arjan Boonman and Prof. Yossi Yovel, head of The Sagol School of Neuroscience and a member of The School of Zoology at TAU, in collaboration with Prof. Assaf Shwartz from the Landscape Architecture Department at the Technion. The study’s results were published in ELIFE magazine.  

Birdemic: A Lockdown Story

As part of the current study, the researchers took advantage of the first COVID-19 lockdown to test the interrelationship between man and nature, and placed 17 recording wide-band sensitive microphones in the Yarkon Park and the streets adjacent to it in northern Tel Aviv. With the help of artificial intelligence, an analysis of the recordings from the first days of the lockdown until 10 days after its end (March 25 to May 28) showed that the activity of the crows and ringneck parakeets was significantly lower (the calls from the crows in the park decreased by about 50% during the lockdowns and the chirping of ringneck parakeets in the park dropped by about 90%). In contrast, the graceful prinias actually benefited from the absence of people and increased their presence by about 12%.   Prof. Yossi Yovel explains: “When the first COVID-19 lockdown began, we, like many researchers, in many fields, identified a rare opportunity to conduct field experiments that would examine how animals behave in the absence of humans. In general, many studies indicated the return of species to habitats that humans had ‘abandoned’ because of the coronavirus, but most of these studies were carried out through human observation, which obviously requires humans, who are, as mentioned, the factor whose effect we want to examine. We decided to use microphones to allow us to monitor the activity of birds while humans aren’t present, and to disperse them densely throughout parks and residential neighborhoods. We chose the Yarkon Park area, heading south until Arlozorov Street, and we placed 17 microphones at a distance of about 500 meters away from each other. We chose the ‘old north’ neighborhood of Tel Aviv because it is an urban area adjacent to a park, to enable a comparison between the activity of the birds in a park and the activity of the birds in a city”.   Cry of the Crow The researchers examined the changes in the presence of three particularly common and particularly loud bird species, which differ from each other in the extent to which they exploit humans: hooded crow, ringneck parakeet and graceful prinia. The hooded crow is classified as a “human-following species,” that is, it stays near humans and feeds on their food scraps. The ringneck parakeet is an invasive species, it also follows humans. The graceful prinia is classified as “adaptive” – it adapts itself to humans, and knows how to get along in an urban environment, but does not feed on humans’ food scraps and prefers to avoid their company.     In total, the researchers recorded 3,234 hours containing around 250,000 bird calls, using artificial intelligence to identify the calls and the birds that made them. During the lockdown, human activity in the residential areas increased by 49% and human activity in the Yarkon Park – while leaving homes to go to parks was still prohibited – decreased by 31%.   “First, we found that the overall activity of the birds, regardless of COVID-19, is 53% higher in the parks than in the streets adjacent to them”, explains Prof. Yuval. “The parks are a center of activity for birds, and that is always true. On the other hand, a complex picture emerges from the lockdown period. The crows and ringneck parakeets, which usually subsist on leftover food from people in the park, searched for other avenues. The calls from the crows in the park decreased by about 50%, and the chirping of the ringneck parakeets in the park dropped by around 90%. Conversely, the shy graceful prinia, an outstanding adaptor, increased its activity by about 12%. These findings highlight the fact that there are animals that depend on us in the city, as well as the flexibility of these animals and the complexity and diversity of the urban ecosystem”.

Summer Glow: How Sun Exposure Boosts Fertility in Women Ages 30-40

Exposure to The Sun’s UV Radiation May Have a Positive Effect on Fertility in Women Aged 30-40.

A research team from Tel Aviv University and the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer investigated seasonal fluctuations in AMH (anti-Müllerian hormone) levels. Their pioneering study revealed that during the summer, women of a late reproductive age — between the ages of 30 and 40 — experience increased secretion of the hormone from their ovaries.   This phenomenon is suggested to be attributed to heightened exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. The groundbreaking research was led by Prof. Carmit Levy of the Department of Human Genetics and Biochemistry, in a team effort of Ph.D. student Roma Parikh and Prof. Yftach Gepner of the School of Public Health, all from the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University and Dr. Ruth Percik from the Institute of Endocrinology at Sheba Medical Center. The results of the study were published in the journal Steroids.   “The ovaries secrete the anti-Müllerian hormone, and its level in the bloodstream is linked to ovarian function,” explains Dr. Percik. “While the hormone level is specific to an individual woman at a given point in time, and does not provide a definitive assessment of the status of her fertility, evaluating its value, trend, and comparison to the age group is the best indicator of fertility that we have. For this reason, every woman who wants to get pregnant, or is trying to, is sent for an AMH test. In Israel, all of these tests are directed to the central laboratory in Sheba. Our research group investigated the seasonal variability of the AMH tests to gauge how the ovaries respond to UV radiation”.  

Moderation in Sun Exposure: Key to Fertility Health

The researchers compared the AMH results of 2,235 Israeli women to the recorded levels of UV radiation. For younger women, aged 20-29, no statistical relationship was found between UV exposure and AMH level. On the other hand, among older fertile women, aged 30 to 40, a statistically significant seasonal pattern emerged: These women, whose egg reserves are in decline, responded positively to sun exposure.  
“Based on our prior studies, we can affirm that sun exposure increases metabolism, as well as sexual appetite and behavior, and (at least in animal models) enlarges the ovaries and extends the estrus period” explains Prof. Levy.
  “This is a preliminary, pioneering human epidemiological study, and we need to be cautious about inferring a causal relationship between fertility in women and exposure to UV radiation. Humans are not the same as mice. However, we are also animals, our hairless nature makes us even more sensitive to solar radiation. Our research suggests that the female reproductive system is indeed more fertile in the summer, but we still have no information on the mechanism or actual success rates”, she continues. Particularly interesting is the absence of this effect among younger women in their 20s. According to Dr. Percik, this may be attributed to the ample egg reserve found in young women. “Based on my interpretation of the findings, women at the onset of their reproductive age are less in need of signals from the sun, which affect hormonal pathways that have not yet been sufficiently studied. They are less impacted or dependent on the forces of nature in the context of fertility. In contrast, older ovaries need optimal environmental factors to function. In fact, this effect was even more pronounced among women aged 35 and older. Of course, there are caveats: Exposure to the sun’s UV radiation should always be done in moderation, and further research is required to determine whether such exposure actually helps fertility, and how much exposure is needed”.

Standing Alongside Our Students: President Herzog’s TAU Visit

President Herzog’s Recent Visit Highlighted Our Strong Support and Fostering Environment for Students.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog and his wife, Michal Herzog, visited Tel Aviv University yesterday (03/06/24), meeting returning reservist students, international students and leading researchers. The pair – both alumni of TAU’s Buchmann Faculty of Law, were accompanied by the University’s President, Prof. Ariel Porat, and senior University management.  

Returning Reservists on TAU’s Support Sytem

The visit included a meeting and discussion with the reservist students about their experiences, challenges, and assistance with returning to studies. All the students, who have returned to their studies from up to 140 days in IDF reserve duty, spoke of difficulties in readjusting to civilian life: “One week you’re in Khan Younis, and the next week you’re in the classroom – it’s hard to find the inner quiet and concentration to sit still and do the work,” said one.   With that, the students acknowledged the goodwill, accommodations, and academic and financial support given by the University to students transitioning from army service to coursework and exams. For example, one student said he was moved by the fact that the first three calls he received on the morning of Oct. 7 to see if he was OK were from professors and counselors at the University; and another student said that the tuition grants TAU allocated to all reservists significantly helped with his financial hardship.   President Herzog’s thanked the reservist students for their brave service and asked them to now try and return to normal life, developing their brains and talent, getting their degrees and changing the world.   President Herzog and The First Lady, Michal Herzog, Shaking hands with TAU students.   The Herzogs then met with TAU Lowy International School students, many of whom are part of the student task force battling anti-Israel disinformation on social media.   Additionally, the President and his wife toured the lab of Dr. Tali Ilovitsh, who develops innovative ultrasound technology that destroys cancer cells without surgical intervention, and the lab of Prof. Ben Maoz, who develops “organ-on-a-chip” technologies for regenerative medicine and drug testing. Both labs are in TAU’s Samueli Engineering Building at The Fleischman Faculty of Engineering.   The President and the First Lady visiting Dr. Ilovitsh’s lab.   President Isaac Herzog and Michal Herzog’s visit to Tel Aviv University showcased the profound support for students at TAU, bridging the gap between military service and academic pursuits. Their interaction underscored TAU’s commitment to empowering students to overcome their challenges and thrive. Together, they symbolized the enduring partnership between education and national service, inspiring a brighter future for all.

Tree Planting Ceremony Honoring October 7th Victims: A Symbol of Remembrance and Hope

At Tel Aviv University Campus, a Planting Ceremony Commemorated the Fallen of the October 7th War while Expressing Hope for the Safe Return of All Captives.

In a solemn yet hopeful ceremony held at Tel Aviv University, students, faculty and members of the community gathered to plant the Avenue of Remembrance and Hope to honor the memory of the victims of the tragic events of October 7th. The occasion marked not only a remembrance of the lives lost but also a testament to the resilience and hope that persists in the face of adversity. The ceremony commenced with the planting of trees and yellow flowers (the color associated with the return of the captives) along the university’s grounds, symbolizing hope and commemorating those who have lost their lives during the events of October 7th and in hope for the safe return of all captives to peace. Each tree represented a life lost, a loved one mourned, and a hope for a brighter future. The planting ceremony held in the Gilman Building courtyard included the participation of Professor Ariel Porat, President of TAU, Daniel Zilber, Chairman of the Student Union, and Miriam and Aharon Haber, the bereaved parents of First Sergeant (Res.) Zechariah Pesach Haber, a doctoral student and guide at The School of Plant Sciences and Food Security at The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, and Stav Levi, a student of architecture at the The David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, whose partner, Idan Shtivi, was abducted in Gaza. The campus community came together to plant trees and flowers and tie yellow ribbons for the return of all captives.
“We hope that the planting of the boulevard will serve as a reminder to the university community, faculty and students, of your ability to help fulfill the versatile dreams of those who have fallen in all fields of knowledge, thus ensuring the continuity of their achievements and dreams”, said Prof. Porat.
“It’s hard to believe that in a little while, five months will have passed since October 7th, a day that will forever be remembered as a terrible disaster for the State of Israel and the Jewish people”, Prof. Porat continued. “The terrible thing that happened that we feel both as a nation, as a country and individually is a pain that does not pass with time, it only grows during this period. If there is a need for a painful reminder, we receive it every day. We all hope for the return of the captives and the recovery of the wounded, and the cessation of soldiers dying in battle. This grove is dedicated to the murdered and fallen, but it also contains a certain sign of hope for the return of the captives”. As Prof. Porat planted the first tree in the avenue, a solemn atmosphere took hold, carrying with it a firm commitment to never forget the sacrifices made. Miriam Haber shared her son’s, Zechariah Pesach’s, pursuits. Zechariah Pesach (RIP) had fallen in battle in Gaza on January 16th. Zechariah fell at the age of 32 and was a very dedicated husband and father to three young children. “The main thing about his fall is a heavy personal loss to his family and friends, but not only that. Zechariah’s choice in the field of plant health and his research topic – Wheat Cultivation Under Stress Conditions, stemmed from his deep love for the land of Israel, the ground of Israel, and all humanity. He chose to help with food security due to the difficult climate changes affecting the earth. We are convinced that his colleagues at TAU will continue to fulfill his scientific dreams”, said Miriam, moving the audience present at the ceremony, with the planting of a tree in memory of her son.   Miriam Haber speaking to campus members.
“The only way we will have resilience, as a nation and as a healthy society, will only be possible if the captives return home. I believe in light, in hope, in life, and all the hope and faith that together we will be able to fix what can still be fixed,” said Stav Levi, whose partner, Idan Shtivi, is captive in Gaza.
Stav asked to continue doing everything possible for the return of the captives. “Yesterday was Municipal Election Day, and it was an upsetting and chilling day for me, because since October 7th, the basic and existential choice for life itself has been taken from me. What choice does my Idan have now and other 133 citizens with him? They do not know if they will survive in the next minute. Idan, imprisoned in Gaza for 145 days by monsters, is afraid for his life and captured in abyssal fear. Will he receive food or water today? Or will he have to survive without? When will he be able to perform a basic action like speaking again, after being allowed only to whisper for 145 days? The only important choice here today is the choice of citizens who are currently abandoned in Gaza, the choice to fulfill the most basic and moral obligation of a state to its citizens”. Our hearts are always with the families of the fallen and the captives, and we all hope that they will all soon return to us in peace.

Tel Aviv University’s New Academic Integration Tracks Welcome Olim

TAU partners with Israel Student Authority to launch new degree options for recent immigrants.

Since the beginning of the October 7 war, there has been a noticeable surge in citizenship requests and Aliyah to Israel, particularly from France and the United States, but not exclusively. Responding to this growing trend, Tel Aviv University (TAU) is introducing new academic integration tracks in collaboration with Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration. These tracks offer a unique opportunity for new Olim to start studying in English or French and eventually graduate in Hebrew.
Professor Milette Shamir, Vice President International of TAU: “Discovering the overwhelming interest in moving to Israel, during my recent travels abroad, has left me truly astonished.  It’s heartening to see how many young people are eager to make aliya at this challenging moment in Israel’s history.  The new Integration Tracks could not have come at a better time.”
In the upcoming year, TAU will introduce two English tracks and one in French offered through the Lowy International School. Students opting for English can choose between a BA in Liberal Arts and Management and an MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. For French speakers, there’s the option to apply to the Programme de Licence en Sciences Sociales, Politiques et Économiques with a choice of five fields of study that include Economics, Political Science, Communication, Anthropology & Sociology, and Labor Studies. Currently, it is the only French-taught program in Social Sciences in Israel.

Hebrew Classes, Networking Opportunities, And More

These programs provide newly arrived immigrants with a valuable opportunity for soft integration into Israeli society and the educational system. The academic integration track includes fully-funded Hebrew learning, with intensive language courses during semester breaks and additional Hebrew classes throughout the semesters. Before transferring to the Hebrew track, students take the Yael exam to assess their Hebrew proficiency. Students in the English undergraduate track have an option of studying Hebrew for two years, while those in the French track will have a shorter, yet more intensive year-long Hebrew course as their academic workload will be lighter – with only five subject courses in their first year of studies.   Additionally, students have the opportunity to work part-time, acquiring valuable local work experience. Daria Gurskaia, a second-year student in the BA in Liberal Arts and Management who made Aliyah in 2023, highlights, “In my current job, I get to apply the knowledge and skills we’ve learned in the classroom. Our program effectively prepares us for the job market, and working part-time during my studies will surely help me build my career.”
“Students will be able to immerse themselves in the local community while studying alongside Israelis, making them more eligible for jobs in Israel upon graduation.”—Louise Hyatt, the program coordinator for BA in Liberal Arts and Management.
MA in TESOL graduates will receive an Israeli teaching certificate upon completing the full two-year program, enabling them to find employment in schools or colleges in Israel. In addition to a strong theoretical foundation, the curriculum includes practical training.
“Our students teach English classes either in local schools or through the TAU’s Center for Language Excellence,”—Kate Klementieva, TESOL program coordinator.
MA TESOL students find immense value in this practical component of the program. For Elli Kichik, a TESOL student participant, the practicum is a standout feature: “I can watch a real experienced teacher at work, and also teach myself.” She is confident that the TESOL degree will unlock numerous opportunities for her in the future: “I’m already applying the skills acquired during the course in my current teaching practice.”

Beyond Academics: Comprehensive Assistance System

Making Aliyah is a significant decision, and TAU, in collaboration with the Israel Student Authority, offers extensive support. Admitted students will receive support from a designated Olim student counselor on campus throughout their studies, addressing academic, scholarship, and other concerns.   Additionally, Olim students have access to psychological guidance, provided either by a social worker or through a psychological support framework subsidized by the Israel Student Authority. The tracks also come with partial or full funding for eligible students, and housing support grants are available to new Olim.

Student Spotlight

Noa Joffe, originally from Germany, made Aliyah in 2021 to connect with her Israeli and Jewish roots. Reflecting on her decision, she shares, “Life in Israel is hard, but the experience is worth it. The multiculturalism and diversity here have taught me many things about life and helped me develop myself.” Noa Joffe, Olah from Germany
“One can learn about Israel by coming here for a vacation, but one will really benefit from it only if one takes the jump to the unknown and engages with the challenge of studying in a new country. For me, it was the best decision I could have taken.”
Joffe emphasizes that studying at Tel Aviv University reinforced her decision: “It is a big challenge, but the reward of making it is the greatest feeling.”

How to Enroll?

The tracks are open to new Olim who made Aliyah less than 3 years ago. The maximum age for undergraduate applicants is 27 years old, while for the graduate program, the cutoff is at 35 years old.
What is particularly important, undergraduate applicants are exempt from submitting psychometric test results, a requirement for Israeli applicants.
To check your eligibility, you can contact the English or French-speaking coordinator at the Israel Student Authority. Explore new academic horizons, embrace cultural diversity, and contribute to Israel’s future by joining TAU’s integration tracks. To discover more about opportunities for Olim at Tel Aviv University, please visit the dedicated webpage.

Open Day at Tel Aviv University

Thanks to the Thousands of Curious and Effervescent Individuals who Came to Ask the Right Questions on Open Day.

Newcomers on Campus

On Friday, February 23, Tel Aviv University hosted its open day for undergraduate and graduate degrees on campus, attracting thousands of interested individuals who came to learn about admission conditions and registration process, meet with the academic and administrative staff and converse with veteran students from various fields of study that intrigued them.

This year, amid the war and for the first time in academia in Israel, Tel Aviv University presented special conditions for reservists and discharged soldiers recruited for an extended period and those from war-afflicted areas, offering admission routes to all study programs without psychometric testing, to enable their success.

The visitors participated in experiential tours during the open day among the faculties’ buildings and study departments, providing insight into various fields of study and glimpses into different laboratories. The first 200 registrants for studies on Open Day received a surprise—a pair of Saucony running shoes as a gift.

Among the most popular meetings were familiarization with Tel Aviv University’s innovative teaching methods, including experiencing virtual reality and workshops at the Consultation Center for choosing a profession and study path to students’ success. In addition, prospective students came to learn how to study a whole semester at leading universities abroad as part of the student exchange program and participated in a workshop at the campus Entrepreneurship Center, where they learned how to pursue their dream of a start-up even during their degree.

Exploring new horizons (Photo: Shlomi Mizrahi)

International Experience at TAU

The Lowy International School showcased Tel Aviv University’s extensive selection of English-taught degree programs. With over 20 graduate and four undergraduate offerings, the School presented a diverse array of academic options spanning various fields, including the newly launched MSc programs in Biomedical and Environmental Engineering.

Of particular interest to the Open Day visitors was the innovative academic track designed for Olim, enabling them to start their studies in English or French while simultaneously learning Hebrew. Prospective students also had the chance to explore the campus during a guided tour conducted in English by the outreach manager, Mr. David Ryan.

The Lowy International School’s team at the Open Day

Meanwhile, Israeli students seized the opportunity to learn more about student exchange possibilities available at TAU, leveraging over 70 exchange agreements with universities worldwide. They gained insights into the necessary steps for preparing for an exchange and discovered the numerous benefits associated with such international study experiences.

Giving a Fair Starting Point to Our Reservists

“This year, we faced a complex reality where many individuals interested in studies were recruited to reserves, yet we were delighted to see a campus full of curious individuals.”—Sharon Ariel, Marketing Manager at Tel Aviv University.

(Photo: Shlomi Mizrahi )

Ariel adds: “It was important for us to provide information about admission to Tel Aviv University, inviting everyone to come and gain added value from our campus experience in a maximal way. The tours and meetings in the faculties enabled them to hear about study programs from students, ask the right questions, get a close look at the laboratories, observe leading researchers in their fields conducting experiments, hear from lecturers and academic and administrative staff about all the study options and diverse programs, enter lecture halls for the first time, and stroll through the green paths among the buildings.

The easing plan we developed and are implementing this year for those recruited to reserves or affected during the war will also help new applicants start their studies on the right foot. Our students spend many hours here over several years during their degree, and on Open Day, we allow those considering studying here to feel almost like students”.

(Photo: Shlomi Mizrahi )

We were happy to host them all on our beautiful campus and we hope that together with us, hand in hand, prospective students will start their journey following the discoveries, inventions, and theories awaiting revelation. Hope to see you next year.

Couldn’t make it to Open Day and Interested in TAU’s International Track? All the information about admission pathways and what needs to be done to start studying at Tel Aviv University is available on the TAU International website >


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